Thursday, August 7, 2008

Jackie's Safe and Snoozing!

I had received a cross-posting email about a Jindo that needed a ride from a Los Angeles to Camarillo (about 2 hours northwest of me).  When I offered my services, I found out that ultimately the dog needed to get to San Francisco, and Camarillo was just an idea for a place to board her until the rest of the transport could be filled.  I offered my services to drive half way to San Fran, and Jackie's adopter agreed to drive south to meet me there.  Since Jackie was red-listed (could be put down at any moment), she needed out immediately.  I wasn't working, so I decided to pick Jackie up myself at the shelter and overnight her until I could meet up with her new mom on Saturday.

Since she already had a new family waiting for her, I emailed not only the rescuers involved, but her new family so they would know how she was doing.

Hi All,

Jackie is chilling out in Burbank!

I had to sign a release saying she was a "fear biter".  Veronica at the shelter tried to put the harness on her, but Jackie wouldn't let her.  I'm sure she's just been poked and prodded so much in the past couple of weeks she's had it.

She rode in the car nicely.  I was a little worried since I had no harness to buckle her in, but once she got over her initial fear of me as a new person, she hopped up into the passenger seat and took in the world whizzing by her.

She really does have SEE everything.  Study it, understand it.  There's so much going on behind those amber eyes.  When we arrived at my apartment, she figured out that perhaps she should slip BEHIND the buckled seatbelt.  Why didn't I think of that?

After a short walk and not peeing, I opted to bring her inside anyway.  She met my apartment manager's wife and kid outside by the pool, gave them licks on the fingers and although not fully confident, she was by no means terrified.

Inside I was assaulted with kisses.  Kisses all over.  I have not experienced any fear biting, but I think she has some soft spots near her protruding hips and Veronica said by her spay scars.  She does mouth a small amount, nothing bad, you just feel her glossy teeth rub you.  She let me brush her a bit, but it seems to be a futile effort.  She just continues to shed.  If I collect all the fur together, I could have another dog.  And I have no idea where it's coming from!

I watched her try to fall asleep while keeping her head up.  It was very amusing.  She really is a great dog.  I assured her that she could relax and fall asleep and that nothing would happen to her.  When I got up to download the pictures she had to stand up and watch me, but now she is back to snoozing in the living room.

"Must keep head up..."                              "...Oh, never mind."

Here are some pics of the past couple of hours--now you can see what she looks like when she's not behind bars!


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