Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Mickey - Night 2

Hi Christy,

Just wanted to update you on Mickey:  he's doing wonderfully!  Night 2 was far better than Night 1.  Perhaps it was all the activity for the day, but he slept through most of the afternoon, only taking time out to eat and then pee in the kitchen.  I wouldn't call it an "accident" since I was right there and it was quite purposeful.  I'm trying to work out a system with him that he informs when he needs to go out rather than just squat wherever he happens to be.  I don't think he gets quite gets that peeing is an outdoor-only activity.  This time I stopped him and we went out immediately and he finished up out there, so I'm hoping he got it this time.

He walks great on a leash; perhaps because he's not quite confident yet.  He has a meandering stroll so he doesn't pull.  The few times he has only because he's picked up pace and I can't keep up, I stop him and he slows up.  In fact for the most part the leash is so relaxed, I don't think he always remembers it's there or how it works.  Yesterday when I took him out he'd go to the right around a tree, and then go a half circle.  Rather than letting go of the leash and picking it to the left, I'd follow him, at which point he'd follow me, and we ended up circling the tree a few times before I got dizzy enough to stop.

I think he's becoming more relaxed with me.  This is actually the moment I enjoy best with the dogs--when they finally start to trust me enough to show me who they really are.  As we were walking this morning, he actually just stopped to jump up on me and sort of stand there in a hug.  I don't quite know what he wanted.  Yesterday he'd turn around every now and again to make sure I was there, or give me leave to get ahead of him a few steps to lead.

Going to bed last night was so much easier!  I transferred the giant dog blanket from the couch to the bed.  He hopped up immediately but as I was going in and out of the room to turn off lights and get settled, he had to hop down to follow me.  It wasn't until I was in the bathroom that he didn't bother following, but when I returned to the bedroom found him lying quietly on the bed.

It's amazing to me how dogs seem to know exactly what you want them to do and therefore do the opposite.  Previous to having this blanket, I used towels as blankets, setting them down and asking the dogs to lay on them.  Towels are small, and usually they ended up laying directly next to the blanket with only a paw or their head on the towel.  This blanket covers the ENTIRE bed mind you, so I didn't think I'd have an issue, but leave it to Mickey to find a way out of it.  Once I got under the covers he came up to the head of the bed, leaned at a 45 degree angle on the pillow next to me, and slid down so his entire body was located on the five inch by one foot area of bed NOT covered by blanket.  He doesn't always sprawl; sometimes he takes the tiny-curled up position.  He likes to lean and slide; on the couch he'll walk over to the side pillow, lean and let his body slide down into the couch; I just couldn't believe he managed to have his entire body NOT on the blanket.

He eventually moved and we both slept soundly through the night.  In fact when the alarm went off at 7am, I don't think he really wanted to get up.  I sat up and he yawned and walked over to me to collapse on my lap and get some snuggle time in.  He looked as if any moment he would fall back into dreamland.  I would have let him, but I didn't want him to go that long without going outside.  And sure enough, once we got outside, he walked at a good pace down to his spot at the end of the driveway and peed a good long time.

I think we'll try for another car ride today.  I want to go to a pet store and see if there's any good treat/food toys.  Maybe that will help him to not eat so fast.  He doesn't seem into any toys I do have.  Although after our morning walk I tried to see if the Kong interested him and he pounced after it, but didn't retrieve it and bring it back.  He bounced a bit and then seemed to only want to come over to me and lean into me, giving me big dog hugs.

Even though we had just gone out, he shoved his nose in the front door, and after questioning a few times, I finally decided maybe this was his signal that he had to go.  So we went out quickly, just around the block, and he did indeed have to pee.  We'll work out our communication soon enough.

Any word on the foster situation?  I thought I might pick up some more food while I was toy shopping, but I didn't know how much I should buy; obviously if he's leaving tonight I wouldn't bother buying any, but I still want to get some more toys to have in the house for future guests anyway.

Here's some pictures of him.  I know it's a lot, but he's so sweet and cuddly.  He's gaining his confidence, wanting to sleep by himself at times, but at others, he wants to cuddle up.  One of his favorite sleeping positions which he is actually doing right now as I type this, is the head hung over the couch.  He has the entire couch to himself, and he chooses to lay in a fashion that makes his head and neck fall off the front of the couch.  (sigh)  Silly dog.


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