Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Mickey the Man Magnet

It has been said that the key to attracting a mate is attitude; a quiet confidence perhaps or in other words, your "mojo".  I'm not sure how it's possible, but it turns out that my mojo doesn't come from within as all the self-help books have proclaimed.  My mojo stands on all fours, drips water on the floor after taking a sip, and poops outdoors.  His name is Mickey.

Mickey and I went to the coffee house again today and met up with my friend Iris.  As was frequently happening in other scenarios such as going for walks and buying food at the pet store, people would smile at Mickey or point him out to their friends.  I had mentioned previously in my letters that Mickey appeared to be drawn to men and perhaps I should utilize this trait in finding me my own man.  I had meant it as a joke, a silly quip, but the fact is that many a truth be told in humor.

It was after the fifth guy had stopped by our table to say hello to Mickey, ask me about him, give him a treat or just sing his praises, that Iris finally stated (not within earshot of a guy), "You need a dog.  I mean we always knew that, but seriously this is your in.  It's insane."

She was right.  These guys even told me their names and asked me mine.  I was a little perplexed by how Mickey seemed to attract the men, but I accepted the talent with glee.  None of the guys suited my fancy, but I have to admit more men talked to me today than have in the past six months.  And they weren't weird guys; they were average to attractive normal-appearing men in my age group.  Mickey was indeed a Man Magnet.

There really is something about this dog.  I certainly didn't get such reactions with other dogs I've fostered or transported.  But Mickey is a guy's dog.  He's a lab and a pit bull mixed; that combination of soft heart and hard body.  Isn't that what all women want in their men?  So I suppose it's no surprise that since like attracts like, that Mickey would draw in those of the human species that also shared those traits....or maybe men just like to interact with women who have the more athletic, sporty dogs.  I don't think guys (the ones that prefer women anyway) always appreciate women's "yip-yip" dogs, you know, the Chihuahuas in sweaters and the Pomeranians who defend their spot on the couch with needle-like teeth.

Movies and television always play up the bizarre methods men uses to attract women, whether it be "borrowing" their friend's baby or taking their friend's dog for a walk.  But what about us women?  Certainly a baby is a man-repellent not man-attractor, but what of our canines?  Perhaps they can be man magnets as guys assume the pups are chick magnets.

Let me be straight:  I do not condone getting a dog purely for the purposes of finding your mate, but I don't think we should overlook this surprising and welcoming perk.  Our friends try to help us find Mr. Right, so why not ask your four-legged best friend to get in on the action?  Let's face it, they have better instinct than us, they show us what unconditional love is all about and can sense it in others, and above all, they are our mojo.  They allow us to be ourselves, and isn't that exactly what we're looking for in Mr. Right?

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