Saturday, February 6, 2010

Mickey's in WeHo

Before I had even had a chance to write an email to Alexis about dropping off Mickey, she had already checked in with Eric and written to me telling me that Mickey was settling in just fine.  This is my reply email to her.

Hi Alexis,

Thank you for checking in on him.  I'm glad to hear he's doing okay.  In the past, it seems dogs always know when big change is happening, like going to a foster or forever home.  I thought Mickey got it when he saw me drag the big crate out the door because on the way down over the hill his right nostril starting dripping.  But I don't think he really understood.

I didn't make a big deal about me leaving and he was quite pleased with the treat Eric gave him, but I think it took him by surprise when I walked out the door and he had to stay.  Eric held him back while he closed the door and I caught a glimpse of Mickey through the window as he tried to look out.  I'm glad to hear he's adjusted because I have to admit it finally hit me about an hour after I left and had run my errands that maybe he thought I didn't love him because I'm not coming back.  Logically I know most dogs recover within five minutes, but I still felt a pang of guilt.  I know he'll have far more fun there than with me, but a part of me wonders if I was too relaxed about leaving him.  I didn't get upset because I didn't want to upset him (and like I've said--Eric's is a far funner place to be).  I guess there's just no easy way to say good bye to an animal who hands you their trust--even when you're saying good bye so they can have a better life without you.

And what a great place you have!  I love the set-up and that he access the outdoors all the time.  Your dogs are awesome!  They're so polite and friendly, not at  all what Mickey's used to in my 'hood.  I warned Eric that when out for a walk Mickey will most likely want to meet every single dog along the way (which there were many about), so he'll probably pull a lot on his leash.

I passed the crate along to Eric although I don't know if it'll be of any use.  I got Mickey to go into the crate by throwing a treat and asking him to Sit and Stay, and then I closed the door and walked away.  The first time took 25 seconds before he whimpered.  The second time, I gave him a treat at the 30 second mark.  He's been sleeping on the couch during the day and on my bed at night, so I don't think he'll go for the crate, but it's good to have just in case.

Instead of crate-training, I opted to spend time this morning introducing him to music.  He rather enjoyed the piano, wanting to know how it worked.  Most dogs ignore it, or walk away, but he wanted up on the seat to watch the keys.

It should be noted that Mickey has 2 talents I've observed (not the piano....yet):  First, he can unravel rope.  He had all but destroyed a rope toy I had by unraveling it from the middle, and then his wonderful dogsitter the other night brought a toy for him that was a stuffed ladybug with rope arms and legs.  That is now no more.  However, you might find pieces of it in his poop in the next day or so, since I noticed he had some string stuck on his tooth and when I attempted to get it unhooked, he felt the need to swallow it--and it was quite a bit.  I spied one string in this afternoon's pile, so I imagine there might be more on the way.

His second talent might have been a strange quirk of physics and opportunity, but when I had returned to the truck after going inside to look at a house, I noticed Mickey was no longer tethered to the seatbelt.  I thought for certain he had somehow ripped the leash-material or sawed through it with his teeth, but his method of escape was far more practical and amazing:  it was unhooked from the seatbelt!  The hook is the same as that on an actual leash--the eyehook-latch.  How he did it baffles me.  Perhaps Mickey should be nicknamed Mickey the Magician (although I prefer "plush puppy" because that's what he feels like).

Mickey, Master of Illusion

Christy mentioned Mickey might be adopted out here...will you be listing him on a website?  (I like to cross-post any ads the pups I meet have).  You have permission to use whatever pics and info about Mickey I've sent you and Christy for whatever necessary to get this boy a home.  So many people adored him--I'm sure the right home is out there for him.

Please let me know when his info gets up on line and where people can apply to adopt him so I can spread the word.  Safe travels, and here's some more pictures of Mickey's past few days.

Thank you so much!

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